Bethany Innocenti
Development for the Sciences
UC Santa Barbara
Make a Difference with Graduate Support
The strength of a university department is often evaluated on the quality of its students and the research in which they are engaged. Our ability to recruit and retain the very best graduate scholars is essential to the success of EEMB. Graduate fellowship support is among the highest priorities for funding in the Department as it enables us to compete with the very best universities in the Nation to recruit and retain top scholars.
Help Fund Gifts for the Following
- Fellowships
The EEMB Alumni Graduate Fellowship
EEMB seeks to establish an annual fellowship supported by donations from our graduate student alumni. This Fellowship would provide living expenses, fees, field research, and/or travel to conferences for new or continuing graduate students. Join with fellow alumni in contributing to this fellowship. Every gift helps. Your gift will help EEMB retain its reputation for excellence in graduate education and insure that the next generation of students benefits, as you did, from outstanding training.
The Robert Haller Graduate Fellowship
EEMB is seeking funds to establish a graduate student fellowship to honor and recognize Dr. Robert Haller's contributions to the teaching and training thousands of undergraduate and graduate students during his long tenure at the University of California Santa Barbara. The graduate fellowship will provide funding for a student to work with Dr. Haller to curate and organize his extensive conifer specimen collection in the Cheadle Center for Biodiversity and Ecological Restoration Herbarium (formerly the Museum of Systematics and Ecology) as part of an ongoing project to install a new compact storage system in the herbarium and curate the algae and botanical collections.
Named Endowed Fellowships
A gift of $200,000 or more establishes a permanent named fellowship.
Named Quarter Fellowships
A gift of $10,000 will fully support a graduate student for one-quarter of their career. This type of fellowship is extremely helpful for graduate students as it allows them to take a quarter off from teaching and focus solely on their research and dissertation.
Named Full-Year Fellowships
A gift of $50,000 or more fully supports a graduate student for one-year of their career.
Named Fellowship Awards
A gift of $5,000 or more establishes a one-year named award which allows the Department to offer supplemental incentive (top-off) support for the recruitment or retention of an outstanding graduate student.
- Established Awards
The Ellen Schamberg Burley Graduate Award
This award was established by faculty, colleagues, family and friends of Ellen Schamberg Burley as a continuing tribute to a student who distinguished herself both as an undergraduate and graduate scholar in the Biological Sciences at UC Santa Barbara. The award provides travel assistance to graduate students in biology presenting scholarly scientific papers at national scientific meetings.
The Case Fly By Night - Agassiz Road Trust Fellowship in Experimental Marine Biology
This award was established to support graduate students in the EEMB and the Interdepartmental Graduate Program in Marine Science interested in experimental marine biology, especially, but not limited to, marine animal physiology and behavior. The funds are to be awarded directly to continuing graduate students for their educational use (including fellowships, travel and research supplies) or to prospective graduate students as part of a recruitment package.